
Helpto buy equipment

Written by Кирилл Ясько 14.05.2009 помогите ! So it has turned out, that mountains and equipment for mountains are strongly carried in space. I spend the most part of year in Crimea where difficultly enough it (is impossible) to find some specific kinds of equipment. Therefore I address to visitors of a site and participants of our hikes with the request for the help in purchase and delivery to Crimea following subjects...

Thunder-storm at Red caves

Written by Кирилл Ясько 13.05.2009 в дождевиках On the last Sunday (on May, 10th), rising from Red caves on Dolgorukovskuju jajlu, our group has got under a rain. Rains this May was already much, therefore anybody especially was not surprised and not frightened. Have stopped, have pulled raincoats and have gone(send) further. But the cloud has appeared with a surprise and soon we have heard peals of a thunder.

Protection against a lightning in mountains

Written by Кирилл Ясько 13.05.2009       молния в горах Defeat by a lightning - one of most rasprostrannennyh the reasons of death of mountain tourists (in a warm season). Therefore at first attributes of the future thunder-storm it is necessary to reflect on measures on protection of the life. What exactly to do(make)? In this clause(article) I have collected various recommendations on molniezashchite and mountain "gromootvedeniju".

Body asks for adventures

Written by Сергей Севрюгин из Киева 07.05.2009 призраки the Hike " Water and Stones " on April, 30th - on May, 5th 2009

Here the next May holidays also have fallen to a head. What to do(make), when is a little target successively, and the body asks adventures? Crimea has been chosen. To be exact its(his) mountains.

This time I have gone not itself, and have organized small group " mountain утят ", have bought(purchased) tickets, have agreed with the guide and on a backpack to wait for villages of 29-th.

Survival hike

Written by Марина Склярова из Харькова 05.05.2009
группа - майский поход крым 2009 Cold, rainy and foggy сСјСУсЄї-round on May, 1-3st, 2009.

Having planned this action in February, I some times represented, as it will be, my first hike and a life in tents. I saw myself nalegke, in cheerful Panama and the sandals, cheerfully skipping on lawns, photographing bright flowers, poppies, for example. And around of me butterflies, bugs, in general a life at full speed fly...

Technical works on a server

Written by Кирилл Ясько 13.04.2009 This week, from April, 13 till April, 17th 2009 faults in work of site OutdoorUkraine and ours emejla are possible(probable). It is connected with carry of the project on a new server. We bring the izvininenija for the caused inconveniences.  

Descents and Rises

Written by Никулина Анна из п.Железнодорожный 24.03.2009 наша группа на фоне плато Караби Memoirs on summer and a hike " Water and Stones " on July, 11-18th, 2008.
  It was necessary to name this hike «Descents and Rises», - this phrase very correctly displays marching mood. If in the morning we go down, we rise or on the contrary and so every day So :) do not think in the evening, that will be easy... But it will be beautiful precisely!

Instructor is the Person too

Written by Кирилл Ясько 16.03.2009 Some tourists consider(count), that the instructor is a hybrid of army sergeant with a draft horse. For such supposedly there is nothing is more sweet, than to shout " Rise!!! " And to drag a 100-ton backpack. It(he) in fact only also is engaged in it(this)! The tourist looks at such instructor, and does not trust that to it(him) can be hard, coldly or hot (necessary to emphasize).

Recommended by Lonely Planet

Written by Кирилл Ясько 13.03.2009 Lonely Planet

In June, 2008 was published a second edition of guidebook Lonely Planet devoted to Ukraine. To great our pleasure, in this release our project is mentioned.

LP recommends the readers our services on the organization of mountain hiking tours and quotes OutdoorUkraine, telling about the Crimean reserves.


Backpackers are engaged with backpacking?

Written by Кирилл Ясько 12.03.2009 Backpackers - the amateur tourists who are not buying rounds, and the investigating(researching) distant countries without the help of the tour agencies, independently planning the travel. They carry the things in backpacks, unlike the "civilized" tourists, using suitcases and porters.
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